Newly designed Fediaf Nutritional Guidelines Cats and Dogs

Promoting good nutrition and weight management

For humans, the WHO considers obesity as one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. The trend is not limited to humans, as an increasing percentage of cats and dogs are either overweight or obese.  To promote good pet nutrition, Fediaf developed with the advice of independent scientists from across Europe an updated version of the Nutritional Guidelines Cats and Dogs with a special attention addressing pet obesity. A new design improves the legibility and adds to the document’s professionalism.Cats require at least 41 essential nutrients (in comparison to 37 for dogs) and Fediaf regularly adapts its Guidelines in the light of evolving nutritional science. The Guidelines thus support that prepared pet foods are formulated to provide all of the nutrients required in the right amounts and proportions. Fediaf has, over the years, continuously improved its publication which is more and more recognised as a reference document for good pet nutrition, even beyond Europe.The last update contains valuable new information addressing pet weight management: Surveys have revealed that pet owners are rarely aware of the fact that their companion animal is overweight, they seldom discuss this with their veterinarians and pet owners are often not conscious of the correct portion sizes for their pets. Any additional feeding should be deducted from the daily ration, thus overfeeding, unsuitable table scraps and insufficient exercise are the major causes of overweight pets.Fediaf introduced a new annex on Body Condition Score for cats and dogs to give directions to pet owners and veterinarians. The Guidelines give practical explanations on the use of these and emphasize the different energy requirements according to activity.With a view to the impact overweight and obesity has on life expectancy of cats and dogs and on their quality of life, Fediaf’s new Nutritional Guidelines are a further important measure to support responsible pet ownership.

For more information:
Thomas Meyer or/and Julien Taieb
+32 2 536 05 20 ;